Insurance Agency
6 mins
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How Insurance Agents Can Close Business Anywhere

Published on
March 20, 2024
Nick Berry
Demand Generation Marketing Manager

Nick is the Demand Generation Marketing Manager at Canopy Connect, where he brings 20 years of sales and marketing experience, including the last 6 years focused on broker tech companies. When he's not managing marketing campaigns, he's likely sipping on a dirty chai latte (hot) or building side projects to keep his skills sharp. Nick is a proud USAF veteran and a family man with 4 kids.

Think networking is only for conferences and stuffy meet-and-greets? Think again. You’re leaving money on the table if you’re not prepared to close business literally anywhere—whether you're at the dentist, grabbing a coffee, or standing in line at the grocery store. Every single interaction is a chance to build your business if you know how to work it.

Networking isn’t about selling. It’s about showing up, being helpful, and knowing when to make the ask. In this post, we’re breaking down how you can turn casual conversations into closed deals, and spoiler: it’s way easier than you think. Ready to start turning everyday encounters into new clients? Let’s get into it.

Building Relationships with Intent

If you’re walking around town without wearing your brand, you’re missing out. You don’t have to be at a business event to sell insurance—hell, you could be sitting in a dentist’s chair and still walk out with a new client. The key? Be intentional. Wear your brand. Everywhere.

I don't go anywhere without being branded. I'll wear Farmer's attire everywhere to the point where my family says please don't wear that.
Deon Williams, Award- Winning Farmers Insurance Agency Owner

Think about it: A simple logo on your shirt can spark a conversation that leads to a policy. People will ask, “Oh, you work in insurance?” Boom. That’s your opening. You’re not just there to chat; you’re there to build relationships. Every errand, every casual encounter is an opportunity to close.

Pro tip: Ditch the old-school business cards and use a digital one. Text it to your prospect right then and there. Now, you’ve got their info and they’ve got yours—it’s instant, efficient, and there’s no chance they’ll lose it in a pile of paper.

Breaking the Ice with Confidence

If you’re waiting for the "perfect" moment to pitch, you’re already too late. People aren’t walking around with "sell me insurance" signs on their foreheads. You need to break the ice—fast—and with confidence. The trick? Compliments. It’s simple, it works, and it disarms people immediately.

See someone with cool shoes? Say it. Like their glasses? Mention it. You’re not selling insurance—you’re starting a conversation. Once they’re engaged, it’s easier to slide into what you do and how you can help. And here’s the kicker: don’t even bring up insurance right away. Let the conversation flow naturally. People hate being sold to, but they love a friendly chat.

Pro tip: Don’t overthink it. The more natural you are, the more likely they’ll be to trust you—and trust leads to sales. Compliment, chat, and then casually mention, "Hey, by the way, I help people save a ton on insurance."

Turning Conversations into Sales Opportunities

If you think small talk is just small talk, you're missing the point. Every casual conversation can be flipped into a sales opportunity—you just need to listen. When you engage with people, they’ll tell you exactly what they need, whether it’s lower premiums or better coverage. Your job? Pick up on those cues and act fast.

I can't make this up for the alliteration's sake, I sold a flood policy to a phlebotomist while I was getting my blood drawn at LabCorp.
Deon Williams, Award- Winning Farmers Insurance Agency Owner

And don’t just talk numbers. People trust stories more than stats. Got a story about saving a client thousands on their policy? Share it. Have a wild claim story from your adjuster days? Use it. It’s these personal stories that make you more than just "another insurance agent"—they make you the go-to expert.

Pro tip: Never underestimate the power of, "When’s the last time a local trusted advisor reviewed your policy?" It’s non-threatening, but it opens the door for you to offer value without sounding like a salesperson. Boom—opportunity created.

Follow-Up and Closing the Deal

If you’re just handing out business cards and hoping for a callback, you’re doing it wrong. The real money’s in the follow-up. Most people will forget you exist by the time they walk away, so you need to stay on their radar. That means sending a quick text or follow-up email right after you meet them. Keep it casual, but direct—let them know you’re serious about helping them out.

And don’t overthink the close. If they’ve shown interest, make the ask. “When can we set up a time to go over your coverage?” is way more effective than waiting for them to come to you. People are busy; they won’t chase you down. You’ve got to be the one to close the loop.

Pro tip: Use digital tools like a CRM to track your leads and follow-ups. Don’t leave it up to memory—stay organized, and make sure no potential client slips through the cracks.

Networking with Other Professionals to Boost Referrals

If you’re not tapping into other professionals for referrals, you’re playing the game wrong. Real estate agents, loan officers, accountants—they’re sitting on a goldmine of clients who need insurance. And guess what? They’re usually more than happy to send people your way if you scratch their back too.

You don’t need to wait for networking events or awkward lunch meetings. Reach out to these professionals directly, offer value, and let them know you can help their clients get better coverage. It’s not just about getting leads—it’s about building a referral machine that runs on autopilot.

Pro tip: Don’t just ask for referrals—give them. Send clients to your referral partners first, and you’ll be top of mind when they have a client who needs insurance. A simple introduction can turn into a steady flow of business coming your way.

Your Network Is Your Net Worth

Let’s be real: If you’re not working your network daily, you’re leaving money on the table. Every conversation, every casual interaction is a shot at closing business. Whether you’re in line at the coffee shop or chatting with a realtor, these moments matter. Stop waiting for perfect circumstances to make the sale—start taking action wherever you are.

Wear your brand, follow up like a pro, and make sure you’re connecting with other professionals who can send referrals your way. The bottom line? Your network is your net worth, and if you’re not treating every encounter as a business opportunity, you’re missing out.

Final thought: It’s not about being pushy—it’s about being prepared. Stay ready, and you’ll find opportunities everywhere.

The information provided in this blog is summarized from the webinar, "Closing Business Anywhere with Deon Williams, Award-Winning Farmers Insurance Agency Owner." For more insights and detailed strategies, we encourage you to watch the full webinar.