Insurance Agency
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How to Build Real Influence on Social Media as an Insurance Agency

Published on
September 24, 2024
Elizabeth Reed
Content Marketing Manager

Elizabeth is a content marketing manager with a deep understanding of the startup landscape. She specializes in driving impactful content strategies for early-stage companies. Having honed her skills within a dynamic small marketing agency environment, she has extensive experience across crafting compelling content and growing community engagement.

I recently presented at SIAA's IA Evolve conference, covering how to build a meaningful community as an insurance agency. If you're overwhelmed by the pressure to go viral or struggling to maintain your social presence alongside your day job, you're in for a treat.

The Burden of Social Media

Is anyone else feeling the pressure to go viral? It often seems that if your posts aren’t racking up likes or engagement, or if you don’t have thousands of followers, it feels pointless to even try. Juggling a full-time job while maintaining a social media presence can quickly turn into a chore. In this article, we’ll explore how to make this process less burdensome and why chasing viral fame isn’t the solution to your insurance agency's challenges.

There’s no shortage of tips and tricks promising to boost your social media presence—advice that insists you should be posting multiple times a day across every platform and hopping on every trending meme to stay relevant. This overwhelming pressure can transform what should be an enjoyable aspect of your business into a tedious obligation. The truth is, you don’t need to go viral. What you really want is to build genuine influence within your community.

So, how do you achieve that? Real influence comes from an engaged audience that provides glowing reviews, refers new clients, and creates user-generated content about your business. To foster this kind of influence, focus on creating valuable content that resonates with your audience and helps grow your community. By prioritizing meaningful interactions over viral metrics, you can cultivate a loyal following that truly supports your agency.

Why Community Trumps Virality

Remember that viral video you saw last week? Chances are, you've already forgotten about it. That's the thing about viral content–it's fleeting. While viral posts might get a momentary spike in attention, they rarely translate into long-term business success.

Instead, focus on building a community. Even a small, engaged group of followers can have a massive impact on your business. Take Eric Vandenburg, for example. This insurance agent doesn't have millions of followers, but his content resonates with his audience. By sharing family photos, relatable memes, and customer reviews, he's created a space where potential clients feel connected and eager to work with him.

Building a community isn't about astronomical numbers; it's about creating meaningful connections that lead to real business growth. When you foster these relationships, you'll see more user-generated content, reviews, and referrals–the true indicators of influence in your industry.

Setting Goals for Content Creation

Let's face it—posting just to post is a waste of your valuable time. You should approach content creation with clear goals in mind. At the top of your funnel, focus on increasing visibility and testing different content types. As you move further down, shift your attention to educating consumers, building your brand, and encouraging user-generated content.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to connect with your community and grow your business. Each post should serve a purpose, whether it's attracting new eyes, providing value to your audience, or strengthening your relationship with existing followers.

The Art and Science of Testing Content

Here's a reality check: building a strong social media presence takes time. Forget about overnight success—I recommend testing content strategies for at least three to four months before drawing conclusions. Focus on one or two elements at a time, such as post timing or the type of content, to accurately gauge what works for your audience.

When testing, look beyond just likes and shares. Consider which content types are attracting your ideal audience and moving you closer to your business goals. For instance, while a meme might get more engagement, an educational post about insurance might attract more qualified leads.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different platforms, posting times, and content formats. I recently tested posting times on our TikTok and discovered that posting between 3-4 PM Eastern Time led to better performance for our content. I've also testing posting different type of content, like topical memes or team-led content. With the pressure to go viral gone, you can take your time testing out different content strategies to discover what works best for you. There’s no downside to experimenting, as this is a long-term process. Just think of it as your high school chemistry lab—test away!

Likability, Intrigue, and Trust

Likability is an important factor in business and building a community. Take, for instance, our love for morally gray characters. For example, in the many versions of vampire-love-triangle media (Twilight, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc.), there's always two love interests pitted against each other. One is always the good fit, the good guy, while the other is the slightly more dangerous character with an interesting backstory who makes mistakes. And each time these movies and shows play out, the audience likes the morally gray character more—even though they're often not the best fit for the love interest. Our likability influences overrides our logical choice in this case. Why? They're intriguing. They make mistakes and ultimately they're more relatable. Just as audiences often prefer the morally gray character over the "perfect" hero, consumers tend to choose brands they like, even if another option might be a better fit on paper. This is something agencies should consider as they craft content to express their brand, values, and unique personality.

Creating likable content doesn't mean you need to be the class clown. Look at how the TSA, typically associated with travel frustrations, has built a 1.4 million follower Instagram community through relatable, educational, and humorous posts. Or consider Lindsberg Pettway, an auto dealer influencer who's changing perceptions about car salesmen through educational content.

For insurance agents, trust is equally crucial. Share client testimonials, be transparent about your processes, and educate your audience about industry insights. Don't be afraid to show your personality and passions—it makes you more relatable and memorable.

Actionable Steps to Grow Your Community

Let’s dive into some actionable steps you can take to grow your community.

First, get your social media schedule ready. Choose which platforms you'll focus on, keeping in mind that some research may be necessary to determine which ones will be most valuable for you. Next, decide how often you can realistically post each week. Consistency is key; it’s far more beneficial to post once a week than to flood your audience with three posts in one week and then go silent for six weeks. Your community needs something to rely on.

Step two is to test your content. After a few months of posting, review which content performed best by analyzing your metrics. Look for patterns—consider the time of day, the day of the week, and the type of content that resonates most with your audience. From there, rinse and repeat: take what worked and do more of it.

Engagement is crucial during this process. Make sure to reply to comments, like responses, and respond to direct messages promptly. Quick replies not only please your audience but also benefit your social media algorithm, encouraging more interaction. No one likes to be left unread, whether in comments or messages.

Once you have a solid foundation, it’s time to schedule your posts in advance. Use a social media scheduling tool like Sprout, Loomly, or Later to plan out two weeks at a time. This will help maintain your consistency and give you some breathing room to brainstorm new content ideas.

Finally, think about ways to expand your content strategy. Consider starting a YouTube channel, creating a Facebook community group, or launching a newsletter. Utilize these free social platforms that work for you. Remember, growing a community takes time, and it shouldn't feel like a chore. By maintaining a consistent social media routine, you’ll build a stronger community over time.

Start Your Journey to Build Your Community

Building a meaningful community for your insurance agency is a journey that requires patience, strategy, and genuine engagement. As we’ve discussed, the pressure to go viral can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Instead, focus on creating valuable content that resonates with your audience and fosters real connections. By prioritizing consistency, testing your content, and actively engaging with your community, you'll cultivate a loyal following that truly supports your business.

Remember, it's not about the numbers; it's about the relationships you build along the way. Take the time to experiment, learn, and grow, and you'll find that the rewards—referrals, positive reviews, and a strong community—will follow.