Insurance Agency
11 mins
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Why Insurance Agents Need a Google Business Profile

Published on
April 10, 2024
Ray Huang
Head of Marketing

Ray is the Head of Marketing at Canopy Connect and has helped dozens of startups and growth companies over his 20-year career to develop strategies and implement tactics that yield high-impact results.

Today’s consumers don’t need to rely on word of mouth to determine if a restaurant, gym, or service is worthwhile—they can check Google reviews. If you're an insurance agent without a Google Business Profile, you're missing out on those potential clients. It's not just about having a website or social media presence. Insurance shoppers turn to Google the moment they need insurance, and if you're not showing up, you're missing out.

Google Business Profile isn't just a "nice-to-have"; it's the key to dominating local searches, instant credibility, and giving prospects exactly what they look for: trust, convenience, and proof that you know your stuff. To stay relevant and keep your pipeline full, it's time to make this tool work for you.

In this post, we’ll break down why having a Google Business Profile is non-negotiable for insurance agents who are serious about growing their business.

The Role of Google Business Profile in the Consideration Stage

Your potential clients aren't sitting around waiting for an insurance agent to magically appear. They’re out there, in the wild, Googling their way to answers, looking for someone they can trust. This is the consideration stage, where prospects know they have a problem—maybe they’re fed up with their current provider, or maybe they’ve just had a life change that requires new coverage. Either way, they’re searching online, and guess what? If you’re not showing up, you’re invisible.

Let’s cut to the chase: 69% of people are hopping onto Google when they’re in this stage. They’re not flipping through phone books or even skimming websites—they’re searching, scrolling and comparing Google review ratings. This is where your Google Business Profile becomes your best friend. It’s your digital front door, the first impression that can make or break whether someone clicks through to learn more about you or scrolls right past to the competition.

Your job is to be front and center when that search happens. You need to be in their face, right where they’re looking, with a profile that screams, “I’m the expert you need.” Miss this, and you’re handing business to the other guy. Show up, and you’re in the running to earn their trust—and their business.

Understanding Google Search Results

Let’s get one thing straight: not all spots on a Google search page are created equal. If you're still thinking that just showing up somewhere on the page is good enough, think again. The real estate at the top? That’s prime territory, and it’s fiercely competitive. But here's the kicker—if you play your cards right, you can grab a spot without breaking the bank on ads.

First off, let’s talk about those search ads. Big players like Allstate and State Farm have their claws deep into this space. They’ve got massive budgets and entire teams dedicated to outbidding the competition. Sure, if you’re a small-town agent, you might find some wiggle room to compete. But if you’re in a major metro area? Good luck. The real opportunity lies elsewhere.

That’s where local listings come into play. This is your sweet spot, where a well-optimized Google Business Profile can shine. Forget about duking it out with national giants in the organic search results. Instead, focus on local. When someone in your area types in “homeowners insurance near me,” you want to be the name that pops up, front and center.

This isn’t just about being seen—it’s about being seen by the right people at the right time. And guess what? The further down the page you go, the less attention you get. Nobody’s scrolling past the first page, and definitely not past the local listings. If you’re serious about getting noticed, that’s where you need to be.

Skip the generic SEO race and go straight for the jugular: dominate your local search results with a killer Google Business Profile. That’s how you get ahead in the game.

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile for Better Local Visibility

Here’s the deal: setting up a Google Business Profile is like setting the table—but optimizing it? That’s where the real feast begins. If you think just filling in the basics is enough, you’re missing out on the secret sauce that turns a good profile into a client magnet.

First things first: your business information needs to be airtight. We’re talking name, address, phone number—get these wrong, and you might as well not exist. But don’t stop there. Every detail you add is another hook to reel in potential clients. Have a snazzy website? Link it. Got a phone number? Make sure it’s a click away. The easier you make it for people to contact you, the more likely they are to do just that.

Now, let’s talk reviews. Google reviews are the new word-of-mouth, and they’re sitting right at the top of your profile for everyone to see. Got a happy client? Don’t just thank them—ask for a review, and make it part of your closing process. Sweeten the deal with a small incentive if you have to. The point is, positive reviews build credibility faster than any ad campaign ever could.

You’ve got products and services to sell? Make sure they’re front and center. This isn’t just filler—each product or service you list is a potential keyword that can snag search traffic. You sell life insurance, auto insurance, home insurance? List them all. And while you’re at it, throw in a call-to-action. Something that makes it easy for prospects to take the next step, whether it’s getting a quote, making a call, or visiting your website.

Optimizing your Google Business Profile isn’t just about filling in blanks—it’s about turning it into a 24/7 marketing machine. Every detail you fine-tune brings you closer to the top of those local listings and closer to landing new clients. So don’t settle for good enough. Push your profile to the max and watch how fast the leads start rolling in.

Advanced Features to Enhance Your Profile

You're dedicated to delivering the best service—show that with your Google profile. Go a step further and take advantage of the advanced features Google offers. This is where you separate yourself from the pack and turn your profile into a client-converting powerhouse.

Let’s start with the Q&A section. Most agents ignore this, but that’s a rookie mistake. This is your chance to show off your expertise and answer questions that potential clients are already asking. Don’t wait for people to post—take charge and fill it with questions you know are on their minds. Answer them like the pro you are, and you’ll be the agent that stands out as the go-to expert.

Next up, let’s talk posts. Did you know Google is giving these more weight these days? That’s right—regularly updating your profile with fresh posts can boost your visibility. Got a new blog post? Share it here. Running a special promotion? Post it. It’s easy content that keeps your profile active and relevant, which Google loves. Plus, it’s another chance to engage with potential clients and keep your name top of mind.

And don’t forget about the products and services feature. List every product, every service you offer, and do it in a way that’s clear and compelling. You want someone searching for “auto insurance” or “life insurance” to see that you’ve got exactly what they need. Each of these listings is another opportunity to show up in local searches, so don’t hold back.

Finally, let’s talk reviews—again. You’re replying to them, right? Because if you’re not, you’re missing out on a golden opportunity. When you respond to reviews, you’re not just talking to the person who left it—you’re talking to every potential client who reads it. Address any concerns, highlight your strengths, and sneak in a little extra info about your services. It’s a stealthy way to boost your profile’s appeal and SEO at the same time.

In a nutshell, these advanced features aren’t just bells and whistles—they’re your ticket to turning a good Google Business Profile into a great one. So don’t just sit back and let your profile coast. Max out every feature, and watch how fast you start climbing the local rankings and racking up new clients.

Case Study: McDade Insurance Brokerage Group

Think a Google Business Profile is just another checkbox on your marketing to-do list? Think again. Just ask McDade Insurance Brokerage Group—a small firm that’s been absolutely crushing it with their profile. This isn’t just about looking good online; it’s about owning your local market and turning clicks into clients.

McDade Insurance has been in the game for just two years, but they’re already racking up five-star reviews—168 of them, to be exact. That’s not luck; that’s strategy. They’ve made reviews a priority, asking every happy client to leave one and making it as easy as possible. They even throw in a little incentive now and then. The result? Instant credibility that no paid ad can touch.

But it doesn’t stop there. McDade took their profile to the next level by making smart use of the product listings feature. They didn’t just slap up a few links—they strategically highlighted each line of insurance they offer, complete with a call-to-action. One of their standout moves? A link that takes prospects straight to a Canopy Connect embedded form, letting them easily send and compare quotes. It’s a simple, slick move that puts them a step ahead of the competition.

They didn’t skimp on the details, either. McDade dug deep into their profile settings to set up sections that most agents overlook, like the Q&A and category listings. They even seeded the Q&A with common questions, positioning themselves as the go-to experts before a client ever picks up the phone.

The result? A Google Business Profile that doesn’t just sit there—it works overtime to bring in business. McDade Insurance has turned a simple profile into a lead-generating machine, proving that when you do it right, this tool can be a game-changer. Step up your game, and you could be the next success story.

Practical Tips for Setting Up and Maintaining Your Google Business Profile

Ready to set up your Google Business Profile? Good. But don’t just throw it together and call it a day. If you want this thing to actually drive results, you’ve got to do it right. Here’s how to set up and maintain a profile that’ll make your competition jealous.

Step One: Get It Set Up—Fast.

Don’t overthink it. Just go to Google, type in “Google Business Profile,” and get started. If you’re already using any Google products like Gmail or Google Analytics, it’s all connected, so you’re halfway there. Fill out your business name, address, phone number—get the basics locked down. But remember, this isn’t about ticking boxes; it’s about creating a profile that stands out.

Step Two: Go All In on Reviews.

This isn’t optional—it’s essential. Reviews are the backbone of your profile, and they’re the first thing people look at. Make it part of your process to ask every satisfied client for a review. Don’t be shy about it, either. If you’ve done a great job, people will be happy to spread the word. And here’s a pro tip: respond to every single review. Good, bad, or indifferent—your response shows that you care. Plus, it gives you a chance to highlight your services and sneak in some extra SEO juice.

Step Three: Max Out Your Profile Features.

Don’t just list your services—sell them. Use the products and services section to list everything you offer, and make each entry count. Add descriptions, use keywords, and include a strong call-to-action. This is where you turn a casual browser into a potential client. And don’t forget the Q&A section. Seed it with common questions and thoughtful answers. It’s a subtle way to show off your expertise and keep clients engaged.

Step Four: Keep It Fresh.

A stagnant profile is a dead profile. Regularly update your posts with new content—whether it’s a blog post, a special offer, or just some industry insights. Google loves fresh content, and so do potential clients. It’s an easy way to stay relevant and keep your profile active in search results.

Step Five: Sync It with Your Other Marketing.

Don’t let your Google Business Profile live in a vacuum. Sync it up with your blog, Facebook posts, and other marketing efforts. If you’re posting something on social media, repurpose it for your profile. The more connected your marketing is, the more powerful it becomes.

Setting up your Google Business Profile is the easy part. But if you want to dominate your local market, you’ve got to put in the work to keep it optimized and active. Follow these tips, and you’ll turn your profile into a lead-generating machine that leaves your competitors scrambling to catch up.

Think about it: your prospects are out there, right now, Googling their insurance options. If you’re not showing up front and center with a profile that’s packed with info, glowing reviews, and smart calls-to-action, you’re basically handing business to your competitors. Get your profile set up, optimize it to the max, and start reaping the rewards. Because if you don’t, someone else will.

This blog summarizes insights on why insurance agents need a Google Business Profile (Google My Business page) and includes strategies to save time and write more premium content. For more detailed insights, we encourage you to watch the full webinar.