New Security Option for API Users: IP Whitelisting for API calls

We're excited to announce a new security feature for those of you out there using our API: IP whitelisting.
It enables you to whitelist IP addresses which are allowed to access the Canopy Connect API with your team's API keys. Once activated, only the whitelisted IP addresses will be allowed to use your API keys. This is a transparent change. If you don't specify an IP whitelist, you can continue to use your API keys to make API calls from any IP address.
To enable this feature, click the Profile menu on the top right of the Canopy Connect dashboard, and click "API Settings". On the API Settings page, click "Edit" next to the key you want to restrict access for. Then add any IP addresses which will be allowed to use it.

If you choose not to use this new feature, it will have no effect on your current setup, and you will continue to be allowed to access the API using your current keys from any IP address.
We take your security seriously here at Canopy Connect, and we will continue providing you services and options to make sure your data stays safe.
Let us know if you have any questions by using the chat support link in the bottom of the screen.