
Ray Huang

Ray is the Head of Marketing at Canopy Connect and has helped dozens of startups and growth companies over his 20-year career to develop strategies and implement tactics that yield high-impact results.

Why it Pays to Become BFFs With Your Customers: 4 Client Relationship Building Tactics for Insurance Agents

The insurance industry is increasingly competitive. In a saturated market, it pays to prioritize client relationship-building strategies in your business.

How to Design an Efficient Insurance Sales Funnel

Is your insurance sales funnel design attracting the kind of leads you need? Consider these tips to bolster your strategy and generate more sales.

5 Expert Lead Generation Strategies for Insurance Agents

Digital tech advances have improved lead gen opportunities and greatly expanded reach. Use these strategies to optimize online lead generation.

Insurance Conversion Rate Optimization: What Is It, Why It Helps, and How to Do It

Conversion rate optimization must be a top priority in your insurance agency strategy. Learn how to leverage high-quality leads to maximize success.

4 Closing Techniques That Foster Win/Win Scenarios for Insurance Agents

In the insurance world, you want more than a sale—you want a client for life. Learn how to master the right closing techniques for extraordinary results.

Why Insurance Agents Should Review the Declarations Page

Leading insurance agents review and understand declaration page data to build a policy proposal that is relevant, personalized, and credible.